I have a big, old mulberry tree in my yard. Not only does this tree make a great place for a shade garden, but with a bench addition, it's a great place to enjoy all the birds that nest in this tree. Among my favorites are the Western Kingbirds, a Mockingbird, and Orioles. Of course, the usual sparrows and blackbirds love the tree too. I also spot a lot of Bluebirds perched on the branches looking for insects.
The only bad thing about this tree is all the mulberries dropping all over the place right now! They are yummy and the birds love them, but there's more than enough for all as evidenced by the mess all over the ground. Don't dare sit on the bench without brushing them off of it!
Since the ground under this tree tends to be dry, I have to find shade plants that tolerate the dry conditions. I started some creeping myrtle a few years ago and it is filling in nicely. A couple of Coral Bells look really great this year and I plant some annuals in pots for added color. The annuals seem to do better in pots where I can keep them watered more regularly and the tree can't steal the moisture!
To read more about my mulberry tree check out my Squidoo Lens called Under The Mulberry Tree . There's more facts about the birds and a great Cherry/Mulberry Crisp Recipe.