Friday, May 9, 2008

Shady Summer Escape

Springtime in the garden is about the best time of all. The weather is balmy and perfect, things are growing rapidly, the cold days of winter are nearly forgotten and the heat of summer is a long way off. Or is it? I was thinking that now is probably the time to think about making a nice shady retreat in one of the shady areas of my yard. The first thing to think about would be seating. Do I want a nice bench or a couple of chairs with a little table between them? Look around to see what you might have - or now might be a good excuse to buy some more garden furniture!

I think a definite "must have" will be a water feature of some type. The sound of trickling water would be very cooling and soothing. Anything from a table top fountain to a little pond would work. Or even set up a whiskey barrel water feature. There's no limit to what you could do. Just fit it to your space.

Plants, of course, will be the next thing. I would start with some favorite shade loving perennials. A trick I use is to plant the perennials and then fill in the spaces with some bright annuals. Not only will the annuals add color and fill in until the perennials start to grow and spread, but you can change your color scheme from year to year also.

Well, now that I have that all thought out, I think it's time to get busy and make it happen!

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